Lyric discussion by TheTANK 

I think DeBurgo's right -- It's at least supposed to allude to the "waves" of enemies in old video games. The first thing I thought of when I heard the title was the old galaga style games "Wave 1, Wave 2, etc..." instead of levels. The lyrics combined with the style of the music make me think of a futuristic war setting (something I hear in a lot of the other tracks on NHIN as well). Here's sort of how I see it: In the first verse, the soldiers are moving and talking on radios when they get ambushed. They kill the people ambushing them, but capture one for interrogation. The second verse is the interrogation. Someone asks these wierd questions in frustration, getting more and more oblique because the prisoner won't respond. Then in a sudden flash of understanding the interrogator asks, "when they're coming back." The prisoner finally says something, "First Wave Intact," knowing it's too late for them to escape, and more troops emerge to attack the soldiers. Many are killed and the bodies fall ("as leaves from modern trees"). The rest scatter, and the rest of the lyrics are the panicked thoughts of some of the soldiers as they run.

Just my own crazy interpretation.

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