Lyric discussion by delial 

Cover art for Beautiful Touch lyrics by Peter Salett

wow, this song was submitted on my birthday. how fitting since it pretty much sums me up entirely. one of the most beautiful songs i've ever heard. so nakedly honest.

To be more informative, to me, it's a song about having a deep connection with someone, and you want to explore a relationship with the person, but at the same time, you don't want to rush things, because you're so afraid of ruining it or scaring the person away if you're too forward. It's like seeing a ton of birds on a sidewalk and being afraid of running up to them for fear of them all flying away.

You want things to go well so achingly much that you just want to do things perfectly, and let the person know how beautiful you think they are. Their touch is beautiful, their mind, a landscape you wish to explore. In other words, a wonderful love song. :P<p><b><i>Edited by delial on December 28 2007, at 03:40AM</i></b></p>