Lyric discussion by thebrain 

I dig on Mos Def. And his lyrics about the Stones are somewhat valid. Their roots certainly come from old blues musicians, as do several rock and roll artists. However they never tried to hide that fact, so they are a compliment to old blues musicians, and they do it (did it) well. The problem I have is the hypocracy of the song. Here Mos dogs white musicians for "stealing" black musicians style. Then two tracks later on "brooklyn" Mos takes the flow and lyrics directly from the Chili Peppers. I give props to Mos for just about everything he does, but this song is unnecessary. We all know who influences who, and that there's rarely any new music styles. Plus, of all the music out there, Hip-hop "steals" the most from other artists. He should have wrote this song about Puff Daddy. Puff is a living tragedy 'music' industry.

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