Lyric discussion by LostBoyFound 

Cover art for You Could Be Happy lyrics by Snow Patrol

"I like this song but I think the ending chords need to repeat a few more times and get louder cos it kind of leaves you hanging. " -Hol

Hol u may like the song but music is far above ur head the theme of the song is wishing you had kept the girl/guy from leaving u in the end the music enphisies the feeling of being left hanging. to increase the volume and repition at the end would COMPLETLY change the meaning of the songs out come. adding joy and happiness. but by cutting it short and letting the sound drown out in the distance tells of how the relationship ended without using words. any GOOD band knows how the music affects the meaning being protrayed ex. Postal Service - Brand New Colony. the begining sounds are something that could have been used for orginal nitendo games giving the idea of adolecense (sp) this theme continues through out the "I'll be" verses giving the impression that everything he wants to be for her are childish ideals of love. than the music shifts into a dark dreary sound of saddness, reality, and suggestivly asks her to leave their superficial life style and start anew together.

the Instrumental Choice/Composition; Vocal Composition; and Lyrics are ALL IMPORTANT in protraying the emotions and ideas of a song. by breaking the harmony unknowningly without purpose creates a crap of sounds.

i totally agree with you . anyone who doesan 't get this doesn 't know what their talking aboutt !

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