Lyric discussion by Whiteblooded 

I think this song is about the universe and our planet and race (and the twisted logic of it all).

"Sunlight, opened up my eyes, to see for the first time, You'll open them up" Is sort of suggesting that nature is trying to get us to 'see'. I think the 'You'll open them up' is sort of a "told you so" threat.

I think the"And tonight, rivers will run dry, and not for the first time, rivers will run" and "You'll go backwards, but then, you'll go forwards again..." etc, is relating to how planets get swallowed by suns, but new ones are getting created... And how animals die, but then other ones are born... And how the universe expands (the big bang) and then shrinks (the big crunch). I think "then you'll go" suggests that the processes are finite, making life and the universe sacred.

"Don't fight for the wrong side, Say what you feel like" is probably saying 'don't do what everyone else is's bad' "And you are not wrong to, ask who does this belong to, It belongs to all of us" Is perhaps saying LOOK at the Earth, and REALISE that all of us (humans, animals, plants) need this Earth, stop messing it up.

Coldplay are clearly saying that humans treat the planet with disrespect, "Created, then drilled and invaded, If somebody made it, someone will mess it up." "invaded" makes us think of aliens...(who probably wouldn't care for the planet), which is saying we're enemies to this Earth.

"Hundreds, of years in the future, it could be computers looking for life on Earth" Is probably saying that we'll end up killing our selves, due to war, nuclear accidents, humans are curious creatures... we'll never stop inventing things as long as we live. (This could be seen as suicide of the human race... which is an odd concept...twisted logic)

Anyways... thats what i think.

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