Lyric discussion by LostBoyFound 

(To avoid confusion i am not yelling when caped locked just brings emphsis on certain parts is all ^_^.)

you know i came here to give an indepth analysis for the song but it looks like GoodGirlWithAWink beat me to it. y do soooooooooooo many ppl who listen to dc AUTOMATICALLY think of suicide. he is metaphorical in most cases relating death to be with out love. and in that sense it is true. Many ppl make their partner/lover/spouse their life and when they leave or gone its like they have lost their life. BUT BUT BUT many songs that ppl BELIEVE to be about Lost Love and Desire turn out to be about something different when questioning chris.

i have said this many times again Emo comes from Emotic (fictional word orginally developed from the Root "Emo" from emotions and the suffix "tic" which means roughly means "to cause" or "causing") deriving from Emotive which means "characterized by or pertaining to emotion" and/or "productive of or directed toward the emotions." In short, Emo songs do NOT HAVE TO be SUNG emotionally as long as the song can BRING TO SURFACE YOUR OWN EMOTIONS In this sense DC can be considered emo though Chris never rlly considered himself a lable. besides true "Emo's" as u like to call them detest the term "emo" and denie any connection to the label and only use it as a friendly tease (originally).

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