Lyric discussion by sillybunny 

The following interview excerpt by Jasper Gerard appeared in The Sunday Times in September 2003...

One song on his new album, 'Dead Man's Rope', features a fellow who moves around to avoid reality. Does Sting? "Hmm," he ponders, cradling his legs on the sofa. "We all have to face up to mortality, no matter how successfully you move round the world. My philosophy," he continues, "is I would like to die without fear; an acceptance that dying is as normal as birth. I haven't got there yet, I must admit.

"I would like to live to a ripe old age. I was walking in my garden the other day and thought, 'I could do with another 50 years of this.' But death might be round the corner. Even money can't protect you from that, unfortunately."

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