Lyric discussion by grouchski 

Cover art for My Beloved Monster lyrics by Eels

This song means a lot to me.

The beloved monster to me is the girl for E who is strange to the world but very lovely to him.

Going everyhwere together and having a "raincoat" to share which will always protect you and keep you together.

My beloved monster is tough.... (don't mess with her since she will ruthlessly attack you and she is protective) BUT if you lay her down for a kiss...(when he kisses her she will melt and show her sensitive and caring side and be excited, in love)

She will always be the only thing...No matter what happens or what kind of day you've had, I feel that by looking in the eyes of your beloved monster, it all just doesn't seem that bad.

I've found my beloved monster and I hope you all do too.

Only my opinion though, peace