Lyric discussion by ijs182 

For me this song puts me in a good place when i hear it right now. I've fallen for someone and the feeling is mutual... this song just reminds us both of each other

"We'll do it all, everything, on our own. We don't need anything, or anyone.

If I lay here, if I just lay here Would you lie with me, and just forget the world"

Those lines in particualar are amazing. dont judge me but we're are both in relationships at the moment and both feel trapped when deep down we really just want to be with each other and one day i know we will. but for now those lyrics just sum up exactly how i feel about this girl. its almost like i WANT to lie there and forget about the world when i'm with her.And that we dont need anyone or anything else.I think thats what love is.

I cant believe how good the words are in this song.


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