Lyric discussion by OneSecondRegrets 

This is my fucking anthem right now. Fuck significant oters that say I love you just to say it. Thatlie about everything that you can't see with your own two eyes. That treat you like shit but try to deny it. That act like you're their world but in reality its all bullshit. You let them see the actual you, that you let barely anyone see..and they don't even care at all so you're vulnerable. And fuck them forleaving you hurting over what you thought was there when it really wasn't at all..and now you're left torn apart and they're fine, with everything they wanted in the first place. Fuck them because they suck.

Haha was that enough anger? :P. It's an awesome song. I'm done.

Goodness, you sound just like me xP I think that this song is an anthem for everyone that's ever been hurt like this.

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