Lyric discussion by f-fashion 

Why does everyone assume that almost every song ever written always has to somehow involve a girl?

As for the song itself... The first time I heard it, I envisioned a sort of suicide pact between two people who both agreed in some form or fashion that they disagreed with the rest of the world. They felt isolated, had to pretend to be people they weren’t just so everyone else wouldn’t turn on them, and one of the people (the song taking their point-of-view) has decided that they’ve had enough with lying and being fake. Only the other person hasn’t. They don’t mind being this way as much as their counterpart. So, their counterpart sort of has to convince them that this isn’t right. That they can ‘see right through’ them, that they’re the same and it doesn’t have to be this way.

i don't think they're all written to ghirls i think they could be but a lot no. like why not a brother or something, or even God? just had to put that out there

@f-fashion I feel like a lot of songs are written to God or an internal battle such as Give me a Sign or Crawl. Everyone assumes that its about a girl but Ben is deeper than that

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