Lyric discussion by Ikkie 

Cover art for The Thin Line Between Love And Hate lyrics by Iron Maiden

I've not long Finished reading Brave new World, and what RainbowDemon is saying really fits the song well.

"At what age begin to learn of which way out we will turn" This Seems to be talking about the 'conditioning' that every child in Brave new world have to go through. At what age do they begin their path? As soon as they are decanted, they have their social class specified and have no way to change that.

This seems to follow John's Final bleak outlook on life and society very well, about how he feels everything is much too complicated, not just a good and bad, or love and hate. The thin Line between love and Hate, for John, seems to be crossed when Lenina trys moving on John, who Loved her, but snaps at the sight of her (last chapter) and whips her almost. if not, to death.

Well, thats how i see the song anyway. Great song.

@Ikkie Pretty much what I was thinking as well! :) Nicely put! :)