Lyric discussion by volleyballer 

Cover art for Outta Control (Remix) lyrics by 50 Cent

Have you noticed that there are like thousands of comments on rock bands songs? And then in rap songs like this there is... maybe 300, on the 'popular' ones. That proves my point exactly, it proves that ROCK LOVERS , such as myself, actually care for the MEANING of the song. There aren't hardly any comments on 50's songs and he's supposed to be popular, thats because his followers don't care about the lyrics. They don't care about the meaning, and they obviously don't care about TRUE TALENT. 50 is too stupid to play an instrument, and too dumb to sing. So he talks fast, should that make him cool? NO. Get some talent 50.

And you people that like him, your only defense is "50's the bomb! He rocks! Don't hate!" HAH, good comeback. That's because you don't have a defense against us, because you KNOW this is NO talent whatsoever.