I've got to tell yoiu a funny story about this song.
I teach English in Taiwan. The folks here like our "lite" pop culture, like our happy-go-lucky cartoon characters, our "date movies," and our lighter songs.
There was this one nice lady I would hang out with to help her brush up on her English. We both like movies, and talk about our favorite movies quite a bit.
I need to preface the following. When I think of "Raindrops," I think of the B.J.Thomas version, which I would guess many U.S. folks regard as sort of weak and ofay.
Anyway, one day I popped in to see this family, and the lady came out. We were talking about movies again, and she said, "Oh! I have a great movie, a classic! It's got that famous popular song..." and she started humming "Raindrops." My face must've looked pretty squinched up with puzzlement because Melody said, "Hold on," and ran into the house to get the DVD cover so I could see the movie. While she was in the house, I was racking my brain trying to think of a "classic" movie featuring "Raindrops." I drew a blank.
Anyway, she came running out of the house with the DVD in her hand. As she approached, I could finally read the title. It was...wait for it!...
The Bridge on the River Kwai
I reflected for about 2 seconds, then said, "No, Melody, you've got the wrong song!" and I started to whistle the famous work tune. She said, "Right, right; that's it!"
But I almost fell over laughing! I mean, think about it!: Imagine those poor, dysentery-ridden, overworked, underfed wretches slogging chest deep in red muddy water, bearing timbers twice their own weight, singing, "Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head!"
I've got to tell yoiu a funny story about this song.
I teach English in Taiwan. The folks here like our "lite" pop culture, like our happy-go-lucky cartoon characters, our "date movies," and our lighter songs.
There was this one nice lady I would hang out with to help her brush up on her English. We both like movies, and talk about our favorite movies quite a bit.
I need to preface the following. When I think of "Raindrops," I think of the B.J.Thomas version, which I would guess many U.S. folks regard as sort of weak and ofay.
Anyway, one day I popped in to see this family, and the lady came out. We were talking about movies again, and she said, "Oh! I have a great movie, a classic! It's got that famous popular song..." and she started humming "Raindrops." My face must've looked pretty squinched up with puzzlement because Melody said, "Hold on," and ran into the house to get the DVD cover so I could see the movie. While she was in the house, I was racking my brain trying to think of a "classic" movie featuring "Raindrops." I drew a blank.
Anyway, she came running out of the house with the DVD in her hand. As she approached, I could finally read the title. It was...wait for it!...
The Bridge on the River Kwai
I reflected for about 2 seconds, then said, "No, Melody, you've got the wrong song!" and I started to whistle the famous work tune. She said, "Right, right; that's it!"
But I almost fell over laughing! I mean, think about it!: Imagine those poor, dysentery-ridden, overworked, underfed wretches slogging chest deep in red muddy water, bearing timbers twice their own weight, singing, "Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head!"
Get the picture?