Lyric discussion by Bad_teeth 

Cover art for Don't Worry Baby lyrics by Beach Boys, The

I don’t mind if you disagree with my reading of this song, but if you do, please provide some evidence. The David Brent-esque argument that it is “(misogynist)” doesn’t wash. Misogyny is the hatred of women in general. My reading is a critique of both of the particular people imagined in the song, as well as their relationship in the world portrayed within that song. I did not insult or disagree with any of the readings that were not my own. I think it’s perfectly fine to have fond memories of a song and limit comments to enjoying those memories. It’s a beautiful and multilayered song, and I was merely providing a reading, not asking for an insult.

I do think that the Beach Boys are more sophisticated than most artists of their period, and at the time of this song more in control of musical art than even the Beatles, and I choose to enjoy their songs by thinking about the possible meanings within the song as well as having an emotional response to them. I was only thinking that some people would enjoy an alternative reading, and I do hope that some people did.