Lyric discussion by greenherb 

i'm thinking perhaps this song is about someone who is starting too see the light realizing god is a load of crap. "Yeah, that was until I knew God's Will" now she sees that if there was a god he's a asshole. most of. the comments make me sick, bigger picture my ass:) Nice song too fall asleep too though Tootles

hey greenherb: shes not saying God's an ass, she saying how she couldnt understand how God let something terrible happen to this little boy. but if He didn't let something happen to Will, then Will could be out doing bad things and not loving and praying to God for everyone but him or setting an example for those who don't believe in God. she obviously didnt believe in God until Will came along: "Yeah, that was until I knew God's Will." now she sees God as he is: a great, truthful spirit. He showed her the truth: God does everything...

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