Lyric discussion by werumm 

Calling a song with difficult lyrcial content just a weird 'drug song' is a very easy and lazy way to explain it, in my opinion.

Anyway I think both the homosexual theory and Anal-y-sis' thoughts fit very well. Why can't it be both? Bob Dylan is a pretty creative, intelligent guy, I can certainly see him writing a song with one idea in mind and seeing how the words turn out, then playing with a few images to capture something else entirely. I know when I write I find and develop many layers, and Dylan is an infinitly better wordsmith than humble I.

Anyways, regarding the "Dylan wouldnt sing about dirty, loveless gay sex because, dammit, he was a lovable, completely political correct soul enlightened forever to the plight of the "freaks and outsiders"...well..I would disagree. Everyone has a cruel streak in them, and the man he's describing in the song warrants jibes because he DENIES his lifestyle. And gay annon. sex does happen..especially if the guy has a wife.. Dylan was more of a realist than an idealist, I think, more than some people might realize..

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