Lyric discussion by bobwronski 

I think it is very clear that this song is about the Iraq war. A lot of you have brought up several valid points, which I'll probably end up recycling a bit in my interpretation.

"I need a gun to keep myself from harm" describes the sentiment of many Americans during the past few years, especially after 9/11. The idea that many innocent, ordinary Americans are threatened in their homes was hyped up (ex. homeland security's color-coded terrorist threat levels), and many people felt the need for a gun for protection on a small scale, and the need for military force for protection on a broader level.

"The poor people are burning in the sun/They ain't got a chance." Convinced that the Iraqi people (poor, helpless souls in the desert that is Iraq) really do need help from the U.S. military. While not untrue, it needs to be put in perspective. While many Iraqis have seen bad times that no one should ever have to go through, many people there were not suffering as badly as one is made to believe. They had running water, electricity and prosperous cities- and while those don't exactly equal the standards of living we wish everyone could have, it is much better off than the people of many African countries, or even other countries in the Middle East. While conditions in Iraq were miles from ideal pre-invasion, when considering how much worse it is in many other places, the idea that the U.S. went to Iraq on a humanitarian mission falls through.

"I'm a peace-loving decoy, ready for retaliation." The idea that soldiers are going into Iraq on a mission to bring peace and freedom to the country as well as to lure out and destroy terrorists, in response to the attack on America (9/11). It is sad how many people still believe there is a link between Saddam/Iraq and 9/11, and that Iraq posed a serious terrorist threat.

"I change the whole location to a pine box, six-under/Impulsive, don't ask why or wonder" means that the narrator and other soldiers will be killing so many people and destroying so many buildings that the city itself will become a large coffin. Impulsive could be referring to the state of mind that soldiers probably have to put themselves in (I am not talking from experience here, though) to be able to go through with their job- don't think about it, just act. Don't ask why; don't wonder whether you are doing the right thing. Also could be referring to not being able to ask why we are in Iraq, because the administration won't give a straight answer.

"Orders given to me is: Strike and I'm thunder with lightning fast reflexes on constant alert/From the constant hurt that seems limitless with no dropping pressure" Describes what it is like to be a soldier, always having to be on your guard and ready to act and follow orders, and then describes the emotional and physical pain and difficulties of being a soldier.

"I'm the reason you can fill up your Isuzu." A popular theory why we went to war with Iraq is that the administration wants control over the abundant oil resources there. The armed forces allow people to fill up their big cars with cheap gas by gaining control over oil resources in other countries.

"I've got a 90 days visit and I'm filled with guilt from the things that I've seen" The narrator is stationed in Iraq for 90 days, and feels bad about what has happened, such as killing people and torturing prisoners of war.

"You water's from a bottle, mine's from a canteen" -reminding Americans of the luxury they have at home, and how raw it is on the front lines.

"At night, I hear the shots ring, so I'm a light sleeper." The narrator is constantly in danger of being shot, and must be ready to defend himself all the time.

"The cost of life, it seems to get cheaper." During wartime, the value of people's lives is lowered dramatically. (ex. Iraqi civilian deaths is "collateral damage".)

"Out in the desert with my street sweeper" Possibly could mean he is "cleaning up" the streets of Iraq, or clearing them out.

"The war is over, so said the speaker with the flight suit on/Maybe to him I'm just a pawn so he can advance" First it is referring to Bush wearing the flight suit, giving the speech declaring major combat operations in Iraq complete on the aircraft carrier in 2003 (under a banner proclaiming "Mission Accomplished.") Clearly, this is not the case. At this point, after being in the war, the narrator feels used by the administration so it can gain- a throwaway tool, a diversion to direct attention away from failing domestic policies and the failure to find Osama bin Laden.

"Remember when I used to dance, all I want to do is dance" wishing he could return to all the things he loved before the war, in this case, dancing.

This is one of my favorite anti-Iraq war songs.

I know Santas_Secret_Elf is just flaming to try to stir up people's emotions, but they did say something that caught my eye: "they wont last!!!!!" The Gorillaz is one of the most creative, innovative and talented bands out there today. They are one of the true "experimental" bands. They're approach to art and music will make them last, because no one can have any preconceived notions of what they should or shouldn't play. They can do whatever they want for as long as they want. The Gorillaz tear down the idea of building an "image," which allows them to create new things without a lot of backlash from "fans." They truly care about music.

To me, the song is clearly political, and I don't understand the semi-uproar over that. Music has been political since, well, the creation of music. "A pamphlet, no matter how good, is never read more than once, but a song is learned by the heart and repeated over and over."

Excellent song.

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