Lyric discussion by Davin Bacon 

I agree with the previous post saying that it is a song about west backed coups, all shades of green being camouflage, and what was coming from the skies where military advisers, the fighter jets, and bombs. Chilean coup of nineteen seventy-three was a western backed way to remove the president Allende, a socialist from office. It began with rebels bombing the presidential offices with British-made Hawk Hunter fighter jets. Soon the presidential offices where besieged, Allende refused to surrender, and addressed the nation for a last time, and killed himself (The junta officially declared that he committed suicide with a machine gun, generally presumed to be the machine gun given to him by Fidel Castro, and an autopsy labeled his death as suicide). Some still insist he was murdered by Pinochet's military forces while defending the palace. Shortly after Army Commander-in-Chief Augusto Pinochet came in to power where he remain until the year nineteen ninety. September eleventh of nineteen hundred and seventy three is considered by many as the day that democracy died in Chile. Nixon and the national security advisor discussed the coup, it point towards US involvement.

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