Lyric discussion by mikemagee 

Cover art for Big Long Now lyrics by Nirvana

Here's my interpretation on this song.

  • It's not cold enough
  • Please put this side up

A lot of people prefer having the cold side up on their pillows. I myself. I routinely flip my pillow over during the night myself.

  • She is moving through
  • Can we show our faces now?

Perhaps it's a reference to two lovers or two strangers in the same bed together moving through the sheets, and afraid to show their faces to each other.

  • I'm not interesting
  • She's not turning green
  • Shameful as it seems
  • Can we show our faces now?

A lack of sex drive by not being interesting (In Bed) She's not turning green may be a reference to the fact that he thinks she might feel disgusted with the lack of interest he has. But when he sees she's not turning green (Not caring that he doesn't have interest) he begins to feel shame that this encounter really means nothing, but decides to go ahead with it anyway. There's nothing better to do.

That's my interpretation of this song. Any thoughts?
