Lyric discussion by theRazor 

This is one of my all-time favorite Caedmon's Call--Webb songs.

I think this song deals with musing about one's importance in life. "What would you say, if I told you that I won't be by today?" and "And I wonder how this world would be If I was never here" are his musings about his own importance as he looks at the people he takes to work every day, and wonders about what they do.

Even as he muses, he shruggs himself off a bit, showing that he doesn't take himself too seriousely: "And I'm just a bus driver And what do I know" But then concludes that he is important, as important as any--and perhaps that none of us should take ourselves too seriousely: "Just a bus driver Well don't believe that. We're all just bus drivers. And it's time to go home "

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