Lyric discussion by amyakame 

You guys got it sort of right.

This song is about Peter. The lyrics give it away.

Peter saw Jesus Calm the Sea of Galilee, he was at the wedding in Cana where Jesus made the water into wine, he saw Him make mud and wash it away so the blind man could see. And Peter was a fisherman before he became a disciple. So, "the seaside where our eyes first met"

Peter spoke of power and high position, but Jesus always tried to teach him humility. Jesus washed Peter's feet.

Peter denied Jesus 3 times, but repented and became one of the foundations of the church.

And then Peter was crucified upside down on a cross, a martyr for the Cause.

As for the chorus, the Rain is the Holy Spirit (Peter was also there on the Day of Pentecost when the Great Comfortor came to them the first time.

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