Lyric discussion by quirky_but_kewl 

Thisis such an ethereal song!! i dont really suppose it has anyhthing to do with actual conception or birth: it is simply the lament of lost love that didnt feel right. The lady is portrayed as being an elusive, mystical entity, something beyond his hopes of obtaining. Although he longed for her when he finally gained her affection, it didnt feel right: "And I know it's making you sick There's nothing there, it's like eating air It's like drinking gin with nothing else in That doesn't hold me together."

This reading is reiterated by the 'bolt' metaphor: this bolt (emotional suture??) was meant to hold their relationship together, yet did not perform to his expectation : "glorified" (overrated??)

He accepts that he is not what she is usually after :"Now I know you like your boys to take their medicine From the bowl with a silver spoon" (silver=wealth, complacency? sheltered?), and his conquering of her proved to be a false victory:"I thought I had found my golden September in the middle of that purple June But one crowded hour would lead to my wreck and ruin" The images of lions represent impending doom, danger= he is constantly surrounded by the unexpected tendecies of this sporadic relationship. the allusion to silence giving birth is possibly to add to her mystical air, in that she is the extroverted daughter of an element. And, finally, the lyrics are wrong here. it is "adolescent loom" not doom. loom= device for creating something. six stringed instrument=guitar? he is professing his feelings to her by song?? wow. i have actually written all this crap!!! well, i hope it is actually cohesive. omg. i sound like im writing an english analytical essay. ew.

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