Lyric discussion by cubbyblues 

Cover art for Miss You In A Heartbeat lyrics by Def Leppard

Retro Active doesn't seem to be one of the more memorable Def Leppard albums despite it's badass skulls/chick-in-the-mirror album cover along with two of the greatest ballads (this, and "Two Steps Behind").

I lost my original album, but have this song off of Vault disc. So, just as a note, when I talk about how great this tune is, I'm talking about the acoustic versions. They may as well be the "regular" versions because those are the ones that got the airplay and (if I recall proper) the full band versions were listed last on the disc.

If anyone lives in Chicago, then you know that The Blaze (then Rock103.5, and regrettably, now Kiss FM) used to have a battle of the bands sort of thing. "Miss You In A Heartbeat" was kicking ass every night and had a record-setting stretch of being voted tops. I remember when it finally lost, it was to some terrible song that pretty much signaled the end of hair metal in general.

"I sure found out, thought love was such a crime. The more you care, the more you fall."

He loves the girl very much and is preaching how hard it would be to get over her, but he is undeterred. He knows the deeper he falls into love, the deeper he will fall into a tailspin if it ends.

He is telling her he is unafraid to take this leap of love, even though it'd be difficult if ever he had to walk away from it. He "[keeps] the faith" that they will be together.

By the way, the line above is wrong. It should read: "A SAD sensation I can't hide." Not "sense."