Lyric discussion by loveinvincible 

Cover art for So Much Beauty in Dirt lyrics by Modest Mouse

it seems like a lot of you believe that this song is about letting go and not really caring about anything. just living.

but, to me - it's more about. grabbing hold of what's around you and caring about everything.

everything is out there - thriving around us. and, too often, it's easy too overlook that. to become apathetic towards it. or maybe just so focused on ourselves (our own loves and hates and successes and mistakes) that we don't take the time to thrive along with everything that's thriving around us.

It's about doing things.. just because you want to enjoy things. doing things that are going to open your eyes and show you new things. doing things to help you appreciate.

"Walk a direction, see where we get" "Get real drunk and ride our bikes" "Climb up the fire escape do it 'til the ground looks far away"

i think the only reason money is mentioned in this song is because it seems to be sometihng we focus on, and when we focus on it - we're only unhappy. we only feel as if we're lacking.

when you appreciate the simple things around you (which aren't really simple at all.), you're happier. because you're satisfied. you feel whole - not empty (as you do with money)

so. i guess what he's said to me through this song is... " the planets are spinning, the butterfly is flying, the clouds are floating, and the leaves are swaying. there's a building out there waiting for you to explore it, there's a hill waiting to be climbed. there's a little pond behind your best friends house waiting for you to swim in it, and there's a person out there waiting for you to kiss them. just. because."

there's so much to enjoy. and no reason to overlook it anymore.

live.... THRIVE.