Lyric discussion by pumpikano 

It seems to me that this song is pretty obviously about psychedelic drug use, like LSD or peyote.

Heres evidence:

"Got some kicks, wanna take a ride?" --> kicks = hits, ride = trip

"...leave yourself behind" --> hallucinagens sometimes give the sensation of being outside your body

"tried to walk, found a severed hand...recognized it by the wedding band" --> he can't walk right, he sees his hand, but is outside it, "severed" from it, and he only recognizes that it is his by the wedding ring

"you'll see dragons after 3 or 4" --> hallucinations

"the rooms taller now" --> spatial perception shifts

"I see the sound in waves" --> experience of synaesthesia (i.e. tasting shapes, smelling colors, etc.) caused by psychedelics

"If i don't lose control explore not explode" - often users of hallucinogens panic when their world starts to desolve. he realized that he must keep control and not explode

"a preternatural other plane" --> reference to the transcendent journey he in undergoing

"once dissolved we are free to grow" --> a hippie idea, on the same page as Timothy Leary, that humans can reach spiritual freedom when the mental filters that structure our world are broken down

in addition to all this, the picture that accomplanies the lyrics in the album seems to fit along the lines of transcendence, mental/spiritual freedom

altogether, a great song

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