Lyric discussion by nopoetic 

I spent some time reading everyone's thoughts on this song. Most of them are good, just all different. This is the beauty of this song, and many artists like Tool.

So for my opinion:

I see the Third Eye as a gateway to understanding yourself. Whether you experience this through drugs or meditation, when you start to truely look inside your actions, thoughts, criticisms, feelings, whatever they may be, you are able to understand the futile nature of life. On the other hand, without your experiences, you are nothing. You will not have the ability to question without a reason to do so. I really do not know what will be ahead for myself, but what I can see is that whatever it will be, will shape me however I let it. The third eye is the ability to let go of the confines of society; the ability to realize that everything is relative to your position. All information is valid, disagreement aside. Just listen to every new idea, enjoy the fact that it exists, and keep moving forward.

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