Lyric discussion by lapofthegods 

This song is a strike back at punk bands (such as the Sex Pistols, whose singer had a funny publicized exchange with Freddie one day) who said that Queen was passe and not true rock and roll. My favorite line is the "inar..."s-- basically saying that unintelligible lyrics don't necessarily make better rock n roll, and making fun of punk's dark view of the world. And using an SAT word to do it. A similar-meaning song is Billy Joel's "It's still rock and roll to me", even though, while Queen DID punk on this song, Joel turned the clock back to show how it's all the same (a la Crazy Little Thing). Another cool allusion to the same concept of rock being rock whenever is the beginning... the first and third lines are "Well you're just seventeen" and "you know what I mean"... the beginning of the Beatles "I saw her standing there".
That link might repeat what I just said, if so I apologize.
Awesome song!

@lapofthegods likewise the 2nd/4th lines all you wanna do is disappear there's a lot of space between your ears

ie juxtaposing the brilliance of beatles with the as roger saw it at the time the in ar in ar inarticulateness of punk.

hmmm inarticulateness. silly word. should be inarticulation...

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