I think it is about Michael Hausman, it's great because she told him she's falling in love with him, and his response is "keep it down, someone (another girl I'm interested in) might find out, keep it a secret", and she made a hit song about it and shouted it all over the radio! Voices do indeed carry! I always thought he was trying to keep her "on the down low" so he could date other women ("she might overhear"). He is abusive in trying to "keep her in line", make her hide her feelings, her tears, etc. "He said shut up." Good art in that she had trouble dealing with this in her life but was able to shout about it in her art.
I think it is about Michael Hausman, it's great because she told him she's falling in love with him, and his response is "keep it down, someone (another girl I'm interested in) might find out, keep it a secret", and she made a hit song about it and shouted it all over the radio! Voices do indeed carry! I always thought he was trying to keep her "on the down low" so he could date other women ("she might overhear"). He is abusive in trying to "keep her in line", make her hide her feelings, her tears, etc. "He said shut up." Good art in that she had trouble dealing with this in her life but was able to shout about it in her art.
"keep it down, someone (another girl I'm interested in) might find out, keep it a secret" -- this has always been my interpretation of the song.
"keep it down, someone (another girl I'm interested in) might find out, keep it a secret" -- this has always been my interpretation of the song.