Lyric discussion by TofuBug2 

To me this song seems to be about the general failure of the parents of the young adult new generation, and the effects on those kids sung from the kid’s perspective looking back at growing up

"Mother mother can you hear me, I keep trying Just to find me all I know now, all you show me, Endless questions, hopeless ending"

He is trying to get advice from his mom on how to discover who he is as a person and she doesn't help at all only pushing her idea of what she thinks he should be. So in the end the only thing he knows is what his mom told him leaving him with hopeless questions that only lead to more hopeless questions.

"Father father will you be there as I cry out Silent again turning colder, frozen deeper, Numb to this dream sleeping within"

He's crying out for his dad to be there for him, and only getting ignored and pushed aside.

"Before I face another day, won't you let me stay asleep? Lost among the dreams that always comfort me And before I find my feet, won't you show me What I need, what I need to walk again"

at this point he's reaching a breaking point and he's seeking any escape from reality to avoid dealing with his life, but still he asks his parents what he should do because that's all he knows how to do

"This bitter pill is pushing me away and now I feel Like there's nothing left to say and I pretend to Look the other way but in the end will I be okay, Will I be okay? Never ok again"

In the chorus he's expressing his fear and frustration because his anger and bitterness for how his parents raised him are driving him away not just from them but anyone he tries to have a relationship with. He pretends to not notice the wrongs done to him but at the same time he realizes he will never be right

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