Whenever I Breathe Out, You Breathe In (Positive/Negative) Lyrics

Lyric discussion by secretagentx9 

Cover art for Whenever I Breathe Out, You Breathe In (Positive/Negative) lyrics by Modest Mouse

i think this song perfectly describes that feeling you get when you know you shouldn't even be upset but you can't force yourself to be happy. it's not depression because nothing has really upset you except yourself being negative.

it's that feeling you get when you're just sort of disgusted with yourself. "i didn't want to go to bed and i didn't want to stay up late" - it's like that vicious cycle when you stay up all night with no purpose then you wake up in the afternoon feeling completely pointless. i don't know, i can usually relate to this song in that instance.

Just what i'm doing, and feeling right now. shit.

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