Lyric discussion by Misery05 

Sorry.. But I have to say that I disagree with mopi, although he has the basic idea down.

I believe this song is about "One way love", so to speak. He's in love with Tallulah, and the feelings that she had for him have basically faded away, or weren't there to begin with. She could have been confused, or simply leading him on.

They both thought that they would be together forever, until Tallulah begins to show that she doesn't feel the same way that he does. He notices that she's hesitant to leave him, so he does it for her with a kiss on the cheek, then leaves with only "Bye".

The song shows that he obviously isn't pleased with what happened by "I hope your wish came true, mine betrayed me."

The chorus shows that he thinks that things would be perfect if she would just give him the chance and try to make things work. "This could be heaven"

Then later on, he sees her walking with the drummer of a band, who thinks that he's in love with her, but the feelings aren't true, just as she had felt for the main character before. He also realizes that he still has the same feelings for her as he did before.

I absolutely love this song, and it's really touching, even more so if you've experienced this before.

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