Lyric discussion by szorko 

for the most part this discussion is about a word that doesn't mean anything and only because it's in the title. let's talk about things according to their merits. why do all you feel such loyalty to a word - ie. on each side, whether it's dead or not you're still a punk right? why do you have so much pride in labelling yourself? is that punk?

western music has always been in the hands of suits and governments. when the sex pistols sang about anarchy it was for novelty and shock value for these same bigwigs to sell records. the clash had always been rockstars (though yes they wrote good songs, but so have lots of rockstars).

the reason why crass are so important is that they weren't rockstars, they were active in pushing for political change, were active in local communities (not some shitty fashion-oriented scene, exploited fans) and were (somewhat) musically progressive. most importantly, they were doing it on their own accord and with their own energy. they weren't the first or the last to do it. there has been independent music before punk, and before rock and roll. actually to go against the title, independent music flourished after the "punk" era was over, with labels such as dischord and sst as evidence of that.

these are things they considered to be part of the "punk" spirit of rebellion and autonomy. on the other hand, major labels and fashion industries and even "independent" bands for the last 30 years have taken on board rebellion and autonomy as fashion statements and lip service. quite establishment multi-national corporations that are complicit with the killings of people in the third world have co-opted anti-establishment sentiment to flog their useless products. when this sack of cynical shit took off, crass wrote this song that is valid including the title.

in conclusion, fuck your pride and get active in meaningful things instead of talking shit on the internet all day.

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