Lyric discussion by citizenerased19 

Yeah, its DEF brandon/killers. It just sounds a bit different cos its a demo and so not produced as well as the songs & b-sides from hot fuss, just like the other demos (oh yeah by the way, waiting for love etc.) Also, it was probably recorded before hot fuss so their voices/sound might've changed, deliberately or otherwise.

About the song, I agree with loveisblind, its unusually easy to decipher unlike many of their other songs which are open to various interpretations. One thing though; is the line 'its great to hear you're doing fine' said with a hint of sarcasm?

Agree with ricardo too, the vocals, lyrics, music, everything about this song is brilliant, and its so emotionally sung. 'Replaceable' is such an apt word in these situations. I was gonna say its one of their best but seeing as I'd say that about 20 of their songs, let's just say the Killers are one talented, amazing band. God I love them.

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