Lyric discussion by RayMan 

Most people don't know who Jack Bruce is, and those who do usually only know him as the bassist for Cream. But Jack Bruce has had an AMAZING solo career right through the 70's, 80's, 90's and 2000's. In fact, he's STILL rockin! Check out

This track is from his album Out of the Storm (1974). I believe the lyrics were written by his wife, Janet Godfrey. To me, this song is about how nothing seems to endure forever in the face of time. I think of sand falling through an hour glass and running through our hands... time passing... everything around us comes and then goes... people we once loved are now gone... some of them dead... new people come into our lives... jobs come and go... homes come and then go... everything is temporary, except for the stones who seem to laugh at our endless plight...

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