Lyric discussion by MrJRK 

It's about war. And it's a shitty song in my opinion. Parts of it sound like wannabe Rage gone bad. Verses sound bad and the hook ain't much either. I don't know what these guys were thinking on this album. Most of the tracks are garbage. It's disappointing to me because I really used to like this group.

Hot take but Rage are overrated fake revolutionary major label sellouts (probably deep state controlled) I would rather hang out with the boys of P.O.D any day. The fact that they claim they invented Nu-metal (particularity Tom Morello) but shit on it at the same time speak volumes to me. Also Limp Bizkit > Rage anytime!

For the song other 'bobtheflob' said it's about the war inside (particularly for ones soul) and looking at the lyrics I would agree with that summary.

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