Lyric discussion by EnterDaMatriX444 

I've been listening to this song a lot since last summer when I first heard it. The playcount on iTunes is well over 1,000 times. I think the artist is trying to express a dysfunctional relationship by paralleling it to the experience of motion sickness. I think he is angry at his partner because she uses him for whatever she needs, and never has a true relationship. He is "spinning" in a world where he cannot tell the difference between true personality and a fake persona. Just my take.

Thank You Thank You! GATHER ROUND', WE HAVE A WINNER FOLKS! An actual thoughtful interpretation. There are Way too many people caught up on the whole drug bussiness. Its getting old people!

Damn, only +4 out of 259 comments? I don't even want to wade any further, there are likely decent explanations further down but who has time to scroll and read 259?! This guy nails it pretty well. They're a touring band, Isaac maybe takes Dramamine for motion sickness and has this clingy using girlfriend or bandmate (kiss on the mouth could just be a euphemism for how closely they are living and traveling together in the van). As a young touring band, they drove a ton of miles through all kinds of windy roads I bet.

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