Lyric discussion by Sterikics 

Cover art for Frika lyrics by VNV Nation

=line from above, meaning to me follows.

  1. Through out your live good desires are pushed away

  2. by your bad desires that are more powerful.

  3. These bad desires are for earthly things (ei money, or could also be power, ect.);

  4. Moments which you put these earthly desires aside are when you can achieve true greatness.

  5. One can not accept

  6. that yourself blaming the fact of (line 4.) does not happen,

  7. you’d rather hide from the truth, and justify your action in obtaining your bad desire on other or yourself, rather then accepting responsibility and changing.

  8. This will leave you alone and your life barren,

  9. and lead you to blame more (it's a cycle).

  10. You see the past bad desires and what they did, but because of naivety in think that knowledge alone will spare you from repeating them, you make them again (continues the cycle)

  11. Inside yourself the good resides

  12. and it hurts to see that it is not used.

  13. You cry from the hurt.

  14. Hurt make you fear the future of more hurt (and may I quote Yoda) fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering (which is more pain and the cycle continues)

  15. You pray for a god to

  16. understand your pain

  17. You pray for

  18. it all to go away

  19. for peace

  20. The world and religion offers you peace,

  21. but this system fails.

  22. So your world is shattered and you are lost.

  23. This tribulation causes you to promise to live your live more righteously.

  24. But you return to the cycle shown in lines 11-18

lines 25-32 are repeating 11-18 but...

  1. This time all the good is replaced by evil.
  2. you started off life innocent but are now bitter.
  3. You cry
  4. and still more bad stuff happens.
  5. You pray for a god
  6. to understand you pain.
  7. and as a last ditch effort you call to anyone and anything...
  8. for peace.

In short I believe this song is about our mistake and our human need to rid them self of the desire that causes pain in our lives.

Also, to iChunes- I find it extremely interesting that you say you feel this way 80% of the time; because, 80% of the song is about suffering and the other 20% is about hope.