Lyric discussion by MondayFalls 

Actually, timshel in the book is about every individual having the choice to be good or evil in their live. At least, that's how I understood it. It's pretty much the opposite of predestination. If the song is an allegory to the book, it seems likely that he compares himself to Adam, the main character, who throughout his life is hit with major tragedies that he can't seem to escape, yet still manages to forgive his son for killing his other song and in turn Adam himself, because his son can still choose to be a good person. It seems like it represents those amazing people who have lost so much but still seem to go on and have faith in people.

"its the feeling spring has brought, but an eye for the winter's what i got, it always finds me..."

He finds happiness, but always seems to end up in darker circumstances. Yet, he still just sees it like "I'll get better soon" ("No, I'll see you later").

Ace Enders is a freaking genius. I loved this song way before I read the book, and although I had to read all freakin 600 pages for school, it made me love it.

ps. A friend of mine says that timshel is like "agency" in the Mormon faith.

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