Lyric discussion by Anti-Punk 

Fred Durst has to be the biggest idiot on this fuckin earth, he clearly has no fuckin idea that this is a tribute song, NOT a fuckin fight song, Max is doing this for a trivute and that stupid fucker Durst, having no clue about anything fuckin ruins everything, this is not meant to be a fuckin beatdown song, just look at his fuckin lyrics

Bring it on Bring it

I'll make you bleed and you're bleeding now Muthafucka

I got my pride and that's all I need I'll make you bleed with another blow without the radio Don't take advantage of this process You might have to digest a blade made for your ass to fade I'm living on instinct Never think when I'm rushin bones crushin When I put your sorry ass in a package You piece of shit sealed and delivered from a savage And now you sweat because you're goin down You envious clown fuckin bleed


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