Lyric discussion by Lizzybelle 

"You're everything"

"You sat along the're saw the light, you're saw...
You sat along the're so in love, you're so... You've suffered long, You're so alone, you're so... You sigh 'so long', You sigh 'so long' You shone (you sigh)

You sat along the fire You saw the saw You sat along the fire You're so in're so... You suffered long... You're so alone, you're so... You sigh 'so long' You sigh 'so long' You shone.

You shine no're not here... You hear no more, you're not here.. You sigh no more...and you're not here"

This is what I hear in this song. As my_name_is_emo said, this is what I hear because this is what it makes me feel. Beauty, loss, winter, love, distance, closure.

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