Lyric discussion by pickersgill 

ucaminax, thankyou so much! you're right, Ephemera is a fantastic poem, possibly more emotional and passionate than Shine, but I dunno. I think both DG and WB Yates are talking about being separated emotionally as well as physically, and talking as if they will carry on to have this separation for some time, is isn't a "I'm your knight and I'm saving you" its more of a "the bravest, most courageous thing I can do right now is to let you go" I know we're meant to stay on the subject of the music, but lets not! what do people think of this whole idea, is it possible to love someone so much that you let them go? or does love mean holding tight to someone and not loosening grip despite physical / emotional barriers? Please respond! R

This is a reply to a comment you made on 12/25/05 so who knows if you will even get this, but I wanted to leave my opinion. You asked if it's possible to love someone so much that you let them go or do you hold on tightly, for all your worth, despite physical and emotional barriers? I believe now, as I always have, that when you love someone, you naturally want to place their needs before yours. I also believe that love shouldn't hurt. It's not the love that hurts you. It's the...

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