Lyric discussion by Smolten Grove 

loveleftneverkept is correct, although ieatseeds has a valid opinion, lines that point to what loveleftneverkept explained are riddled all throughout the song. such as..... "Now all the secrets of old age They tell us we should really stop They implore us oh They should adore us oh"-This simply explains that the older generation shuns what the new(young) generation values

"They're gunning for us oh But they never even met us oh"-This part explains how the older generation completely judges the new(young) generation.

"What happened to our heavy metal? What happened to our coat of arms?"-This part is asking what happened to how young people used to be united and defend their new ways against the older generation. The "heavy metal" the singer is referring to is what I believe to be what the young generation USED to use as a way to deviate from the older generation(In the late 80's and 90's per say). So basically the singer asks "why arent we fighting anymore, what happened to our unity, pride, and deviance?" I myself wonder the same....being part of the young generation. I believe the answer lies in the fact that the youth are becoming more and more brainwashed by the older generation, becoming less defiant and less independent due to teachings they see all around them that these kinds of thigns are bad, morals and religion contribute to this and the government uses these kinds of things to herd our youth around like sheep for that purpose.

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