Lyric discussion by Reoul 

Rockefeller, brains.account, I think you're close to what that line refers to. Look at the structure of the verses: Boy, Girl, I. Then you get "There's so much world to see what's stopping you from flyin' free."

Boy meets girl. He's conditioned to think that when this happens he is dependent on her to countinue creatiing and clings on to her, because she "makes up for what he lacks."

Girl meets boy. She has scars and when she finds him she believes that he can heal her. But he can't because the scars are her own.

And maybe I'm totally crazy... but a person can't ignore the strong feelings associated with the other no longer being there. It feels like dying.

It's here where you can discover the long lost art of dying. When you're dying because of losing (or thinking you might lose) a love, it really teaches you to live, because "Only the lonely prevent angels from flyin'." And with that understanding you realize that it is a deficit within yourself that is making you feel like you are dying, and, conversely, it is the same twisted deficit that the feeling of being involved with someone (love, or Paradise) is fulfilling. Therefore Paradise is also from you ("Twisted, living off each other's sickness like parasites, this is Paradise").

When Paradise comes up the second time in the verse, Addicted afraid to take control of my own life, this is paradise, it is even a better way to understand how dying teaches you to live. It makes you see that dying is the fight against taking responsibility for our own emotional needs.

The line "There's so much world to see, what's stopping you from flyin' free" refers to the dude keeping the dude from flyin' free equally as much as the chick is keeping the chick from flyin' free. Once you realize that there's so much world to see and not just the other person, you can ask yourself "What's keeping me from flying free?

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