Lyric discussion by Grug88 

The first proper song from Jesus Christ Superstar (JCS), and easily the best.

The story of (JCS) is mainly shown through the eyes of Judas and this song gives you his motivation from the outset.

It is essentially a plea from a friend to a friend. In occupied Jerusalem, the Romans and the Pharisee's were willing to overlook small religious movements, but the followers of Jesus Christ were becoming much more vocal and alot of them were trying to use his teachings as the basis for a violent uprising against the Roman Empire, an uprising that was sure to fail.

Judas could see how dangerous this situation was becoming and this song is his plea for his friend, Jesus to put a stop to the madness before it resulted in bloodshed.

A beautiful song that really tries to look at the reasons behind Judas's betrayal of Christ.

  • The only version of this song worth listening to is the version sung by Carl Anderson (RIP) on the soundtrack of the film. No other recorded version does this song justice.

@Grug88 Although your comment is spot-on, I personally like the original London cast version better, perhaps because I heard that first. I had the pleasure of seeing Carl Anderson reprise his role as Judas Iscariot in a revival of JCS back in the 90's. He was amazing, even at his age. This song does set up the entire show and it is definitely my favorite from the production.

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