Lyric discussion by IvoKent 

I think Gord Downie's lyrics in this song are truly striking, yet few talk about the Hip's other Gord, who also deserves some respect for making this song's emotion stand out. Gord Sinclair is truly a master of his instrument. Forget the bass guitar not getting respect - Gord Sinclair as a bass player does not get enough respect. Just listen to the album "Day for Night" in its entirety and you'll see what I mean. The entire album is borne out of his slick and melodic basslines. Songs like "Grace Too", "Greasy Jungle", "Yawning or Snarling", "Fire in the Hole" and "Thugs" are all rooted in bassline melodies. Listen to the guitars in "Fire in the Hole" especially. With the exception of the bridge, they never follow a structured melody, or chord progression. Mr. Sinclair takes care of that. Thats what makes it such a dark and murky album, aside from Gord Downie's cryptic lyrics.

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