Lyric discussion by sbto 

TenFour and Camarogirl both summed this song pretty nicely, I'd just like to drop few bits from myself.

The song is about a rich, depressed guy. He's alone, he buys sex, but dreams of love and family. To fill the void in his life he tries to tell some girl that he's a great lover. He's luring her with those lines:

along the way to star in the wake of delight there's nothing like this built today you'll never see a finer ship in your life

But she sees thorugh him, she seems to notice who he really is:

I see that you've come to resist me and the pit bull in time

He knows who he is as well and he seems to suffer because of it:

I am the scavenger it's me that dreams of union lately I can't tell for sure if the machines turn anyone

He's person who can't feel anything but the void in his life. A machine with pointless existence. He dreams of love but in reality he isn't capable of feeling this feeling. That is his tragedy.

baby don't you try to find me baby don't you try to fight baby don't you try to find me baby it will be alright

And that's basically his reason, he refuses everyone to touch him inside.

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