Lyric discussion by tootsvegan 

I am not sure this is meant literally, I have always heard it as saying something different from what it means, it may have been the stones trying to stir up the feminists because they were so radical in some cases, but I don't think this is what the stones actually believed in. Especially with the cliches about "the way she talks when she's spoken to" and "her eyes just kept to herself." Those are classic things said about how women were supposed to be when they were truly repressed. I don't think they were trying to make a political statement, I think it was far more likely that it was a personal thing as described earlier, or perhaps a satire on how some men did believe in this. I think it was just poking fun at this kind of thing and maybe Mick sticking his tongue out at some lady who had done him wrong, and now he was over it or in control in some way, he's turned the tables, as mentioned above. I am certain though, that they weren't trying to make a serious political statement about women or something.

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