Lyric discussion by miasnape 

It does seem to me to be about his career. I've heard that he wrote poetry for a while, and his lyrics also have that kind of style - you have to really take the lyrics apart and search for the meaning. "I won't be your concubine; I'm a puppet, not a whore/ I just need this stage to be seen." Those lines, to me, seem to sum up the general gist of this song - he's prepared to put up with the crap that the music industry puts you through in order to do what he loves, which is to make and perform music. It's sort of a statement that he's going to try not to be changed for the worse by the commercialism and the 'back-stage' politics of music executives - or organ grinders - but that he will use these people as much as they are using him to get what he wants.

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