Ready And Waiting To Fall Lyrics

Lyric discussion by Gonzalesaurus 

Cover art for Ready And Waiting To Fall lyrics by Mae

I think this song has two meanings, the first is probably what people first pick up: it's about that special someone and falling in love with them. The second is one that I like best: it's about finding Jesus and the joy of that moment. Some of the things that make me think this song is baout this follow: "Drowning just as fast as I can" might be when we realize that we're not good enough on our own, and we know Jesus is the only answer, when we realize that, we are "on the brink of something beautiful."

"It's never been more perfect being alive/I've never been so satisfied" may refer to the completeness that Jesus brings and how only He can satisfy (Isaiah 55:2).

"Heaven makes sense".. kinda obvious. Heaven makes sense when you know God.

"And now I'm caught in the air." Paul talks about being caught up in the air when Jesus returns in 1Thessalonians 4:17.

"Spinning around and around/Until my left was my right/And up became down" This might refer to the change of values at the time of salvation. In 1 Corinthians 1, Paul talks about how Christianity is nonsense to the world, and how God's "foolishness" is wisdom.

Anyway, these are just a couple of reasons for my thoughts; and they are my thoughts, so you don't have to necessarily agree with me. This is what the song means to me, and I like it. It is an amazing song.